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The key is putting your business in the best possible position to have someone “buy it”. Put yourself in their shoes and say: “If I was buying a business, what is it that I would want to get out of it?”Nike Requin, Among other things, there are 3 questions that the buyer wants answered:1.Is the business making any money?2.What is the likelihood of that continuing if I buy the business?3.How can I grow it to make a capital gain?If you can answer these questions, you can put your business ahead of hundreds of businesses in the market. Don’t think that a buyer will take MYOB, or other accounting software, figures because they won’t.As far as the second queNike TN Requin 3 Hommestion goes, the Buyer will have a concern that after buying the business, you will walk away with all the information required to ensure the success of the business, in your head. I'm committed to following things through to completion and always have a very high level of achievement. Selling a business involves a lot of work and specialised skill and that is why I would always recommend engaging a Business Broker to take your business to market. You may find that there are areas that can be improved and will add value to your business or at least make it more appealing to more Buyers.Visit: [http://www.mybusinessbrokeronline.com] for more info.Jean-Pierre de MezieresHi, I'm Jean-Pierre and I'm here to help you put into place the steps needed to effectively exit your business. Whether you are looking to engage someone to take your business to market now or you just want to see what your options are, read on, because I can help.Over the last 13 years I've worked in a sales environment both in a sales role and in management as well as owned a number of SME businesses. If the Buyer can see your own personal plans and goals for the growth of the business, it will instil in them the confidence to take the reigns and continue on with your plans.So take the time to step away from your business as the Director or CEO and put on those Buyers shoes. Not only that, but by having a third party at an arms length from the transaction when it comes time to negotiate the sale, it can also add thousands to the sale price achieved. The history also plays a role in answering this question. Although there are no guarantees, by looking at the past we can get a good idea of the future. If your business is making money make sure you can prove it withAir Max BW Homme your accountants prepared Profit & Loss Statements (3 years statements is a minimum requirement). These are the “how to” and step by step instructions to successfully run the business without you. The first question is answered by looking at the history of the business. However, if you have a good, well structured and easy to follow Business Plan, this can be the road map to growing the business. If you are thinking about putting your business on the market or you currently have it on the market, here are a few tips that can help to get someone to see your business as more attractive than other businesses in the market. In order to do that you need to look at the transaction from the Buyers perspective. You can eliminate this by putting in place systems and Procedure Manuals for all areas of your business. I work with Benchmark Business & Commercial Sales, working closely with the team to assist business owners to sell their businesses. a one year, three year and five year plan. For example, has the revenue or net profit been declining or increasing over the last 3 years? What are the factors contributing to these events?The third question is a little bit harder to answer as it may depend on the Buyers ability and skill level to grow the business. The more detailed the Business Plan the better, i.e. Visit my personal website [http://www.mybusinessbrokeronline.com] to find out more..
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