General Fitness ActivitiesThese are activities and exercised that are more fitness related with very little skill
related activities.Common activities in this category include weight training, aerobics, interval training, body resistance training,
plyrometric training, fartlek, partner resistance training, endurance based activities, body pump, skipping, etc. It is
up to the coach to be resourceful to come up with as many sports specific
training activities as possible for peak performance in sports. During this break, the players do
not just go on vacation and do nothing. Here, we can classify type of activities
used according to the following categories.a. To counter this and get the players a break,
engaging in relevant cross disciplinary activities can be very helpful to refresh the players. This
form of cross disciplinary activities is extremely useful to recharge player's batteries.With a good mixture
of these three types of activities in the training programme, athletes will find the variety,
motivation and usefulness in them to improve their peak performance in sports.About the author;Jimmy Tong
has been a Physical Educator for 13 Years in Singapore, with degree in sports science
and physical education from Loughborough University in UK. So if the aim one of the
session is to build agility as well as dribbling skills in soccer, perhaps using dribbling
skills at high intensity Nike Tn with lots of changes in direction will be the right activity
for the session.c. Having planned and established the required frequency of training and decided upon
the measure of intensity of training, it is important to use the correct type of
activities to use in training to promote peak performance in sports. These activities keep the
players renewed and refreshed. Water-polo players must spend as much time as they can in
the water so that they get use to the sports medium as much as possible.
Some team also make use of the wintry cold and snow, by engaging in skiing
to keep their players conditions at their peak, so that when they return for the
second half of the season, the players are still in good shape to play the
remaining games. The down-side of this is that it can be boring to the athletes.
Players are involved in their chosen sport because they are passionate about it in the
first place. The examples mentioned here are extremely effective training tools to improve fitness of
athletes for peak performance in sports. Performing monotonous runs, painful weight lifting and repetitive body
resistance exercises are not exactly the most fun and inspiring things in the world to
do. Burn out from over exposure to the nike shox nz same sports can occur if too much
of the same activities are done. Nothing will motivate them more than to get them
to practice what they have signed up for. In fact, many teams will bring their
players away from cold countries to warmer ones to engage in some other activities other
than soccer. In most continental European soccer leagues, the leagues have winter breaks lasting between
2 - 4 weeks during the Christmas and New Year period. They are also easily
implemented and monitored, which is a good thing for a coach. He has extensive coaching
experience in soccer, floorball and rugby teams in Singapore Schools.He is currently a sports development
officer in Singapore schools as well as an active contributor of sports training articles to
improve sports performance in athletes. They will include activities, drills, games and any other form
of exercises that are related to the sports. To have a solid training programme for
peak performance in sports, choosing the type of activities for your programme is important. For
example, it will not make sense for water-polo players to spend more time out of
the swimming pool than in it. Another way to implement such activities is to use
them as a form of disincentives. Sports Specific Training ActivitiesAs the name implies, these are
activities that are related to the sports been played by the athletes. Any sub-standard performances
in training can mean more of these general fitness activitiesb. Very often playing too much
of the same sport year in year out can be very detrimental to the athletes
psychologically as well as physically. It is recommended that anywhere from 10-20% of the time
should be devoted such training activities. Let us take a look 3 type of activities
that can be used to organize a training programme for peak performance in sports.The next
principle in FITT is Type of activities that must be conducted and organized for peak
performance in sports. This form as activities is especially important during breaks from the main
sports season. These form of activities need to form only a minor portion of the
total training time for each session. Cross Disciplinary ActivitiesCross disciplinary activities are activities with little
familiarity to the chosen sports being played, but they still allow the players to maintain
and improve their fitness, conditioning and skills. These activities should form the bulk of all
training times. He hopes to enable people's success to come by inspiring them with true
sports motivational and inspirational stories.For more information on achieving Peak Performance in Sports, visit the
following site at
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