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You will scold your bulldog puppy like you would a child. This will go a long
way in calming him down. You probably spent ages finding the bulldog puppy of your
dreams...and the big day comes when you can take him home, without an instruction manual!
But just follow a few simple guidelines and you will be fine. If he is
chewing on a shoe instead of a toy...tell him "no" and replace the shoe with
the toy. It is usually best to find out what food your puppy has been
eating and continue from there. You can remove the Tn Requin food after that until the next
time. Puppy proof your house by putting away hazardous items like harmful plants, rocks, marbles
or any other item that can hurt your puppy. He is in a new environment
without his mother.When you bring your bulldog puppy home try and bring home a toy
or towel that smells like his mom. Once your puppy is about 4 months old
you can shorten feedings to twice per day.Use this time where your puppy is missing
his other family to form a special bond between the two of you. With a
firm "no" and Tn Requin then by showing him correct behavior. Adult food will be too hard
for your puppy to tolerate. The first night is usually hard on the bulldog puppy.
Reward good behavior. You will want to feed your puppy 2-3 times per day. Do
not hit or spank...treats and positive reinforcement works much better.Feed your bulldog puppy a dry
food that is specifically for puppies. Try not to run to him every time he
cries...if so, you might be doing this for a long time. Most puppies will eat
in about 15 minutes. Praise him then for chewing the toy. Putting a sheet or
cover over your puppy's sleeping area will also help him in getting used to bed
time.Bulldog puppies are as mischievous as all other breeds so expect that they'll get into
everything. Pet him occasionally if you need to. He may cry all night and you
can't really blame him. This can very quickly be a loving, happy situation for you
AND for you bulldog puppy!If you love bulldogs and would like to learn more about
them, you can find out everything you need to know, from training to different types
of bulldog breeds at American Bulldog Puppies.
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