There featured product is Accelerade which was created in during a time when exercise and sports
nutritionist believed that nutrition was all about carbohydrates. Accelerade is a sports powder drink that
is made with the endurance athlete in mind. They list a number of clinical studies
that prove their experiments. Many times in my ironman distance races my nutrition plan would
be challenged. It was then that a leading sports scientist and exercise physiologists tn requin came together
and Pacific Health were created.It was found through their study that the ratio of 4:1
carbohydrates and protein would dramatically help hydration. A sport drink is all you need for
any race lasting less than three hours, for any race lasting longer than three hours,
your nutritional needs will dramatically change and you will need to eat solid foods during
your bike besides your choice for sports drink. The formula reduces Nike Requin muscle damage during exercise
and help with recovery times after tough workouts.It is available in the following flavors, fruit
punch, orange, lemon lime, lemonade and mountain berry. Leaving me out there with cramps, doubled
over, and losing my lunch or worse running to the porta potty which is not
a pleasant experience let me tell you.We are going to talk about Accelerade, the product
brought to you by Pacific Health Sciences. They have many products to offer including Accelerade,
Accelerade Hydro, Accel Gel, Endurox and Forze. Nutrition for a triathlon is critically important for
your racing especially when you get to the longer races. They were founded in 1995,
and are located in New Jersey. If you're serious about racing you should consult your
coach.To get more information about all things triathlon and nutrition, including finding out more about
accelerade please visit our site at [].
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